Hi all!
Here is a medical update on Lizzy:
We've got a few ups and downs here...so I wanted to tell you from the start that the conclusion is positive...!
Lizzy is not, as of yet, a Rapid Responder...
As I understand it-
When Lizzy came in to the hospital her bone marrow was 95% blasts.
To be a Rapid Responder (RR), they want her at 5% or less in the first 2 weeks, and 0% on day 29 (November 25th).
As of this past Tuesday, she was down to 50% blasts in her bone marrow - a 45% drop!
The doctors made a point of telling Christine and Randy to not be discouraged...Lizzy had a big drop of 45% in one week...
She only needs another 45% drop this week to be at 5% blast in her bone marrow...! She's done that once already...that is VERY hopeful!
Yesterday was a bit of a hard day for Lizzy. She had a headache, and not just your normal, every day, run of the mill headache...
The doctors were concerned about a "bleed" in her brain...this can be a complication, not often seen, but to be wary of...
So, they did a brain CT in the morning. Gratefully, all was well, and they determined her headache was a result of the spinal she had the day before. Headaches following spinals are common, so they gave her morphine, which seemed to relieve her headache. From now on, with a spinal, they will give her meds to prevent headaches.
So, yesterday was hard, yet ended on a good note. I was able to pop down last night, and Lizzy was the brightest I have seen her since her admission. She was animated, smiling, and laughing. She had the company of Aunts, Grandma, and a teacher who had brought tons of cards from school. She was reading the cards, and laughing as she talked about some of the fun times she had with her friends. The cards were adorable, and many even from students she does not know. The teacher mentioned they are planning some "Lizzy Days" as school...sounds cool to me!
On a bummer of a note, Catherine, Lizzy's sister, has been sick all week with bronchitis. She has not been able to see Lizzy (Because you can't visit if you even think you might, could be / maybe getting sick). Catherine is REALLY missing Lizzy. We need to pray for her healing too!
Another potential bummer is that Randy's school system may be changing insurance companies. I really don't think this will affect the Lothrops in any major negative way, but it is stressful to not have any answers as of yet. The hospital is very supportive, and helpful in helping the Lothrops wade through all the insurance questions...
There are a few very fun, encouraging stories from over the last few days that I will try to get out later...
Think Olive Garden, Serving, Quick moving Aunts (and a Grandma), Hospital staff, and Smarty lollipops...
(How's that for a teaser?!)
Tuesday is Orange Day...Lizzy will have a bone marrow aspiration, and lots of chemo...
And, of course we want to see those blasted blasts at 5% - OR LESS!
Please pray:
-Thank God for the 45% drop in blasts in Lizzy's marrow
- Thank God that Lizzy's brain scan came back ok
- Pray for Catherine to feel better
- Pray for at least a 45% drop in Lizzy's marrow by Tuesday, and 0% by November 25th.
- Pray for minimal side effects of the chemo.
- Pray for any insurance issues to be resolved...
- Pray for peaceful nights, and restful days...
That photo is awesome and totally captures your spirit, Lizzy! You never cease to amaze me with your big smile and big heart. I have thought of you sooooo many times today and am very, very thankful that you are feeling better. Game on! Halftime is over and the 2nd half of this blast-stomping game has begun -- go for another 45%! Score!
Mrs. D.
Hey love! way to go on that 45% decreae! i knew you could do it! well now that we are first in pool play its time for bracket play. now, you have to fight off the other 45% of those blasts. ill be there to help you get to the semis! btw you were seeded first in this tourney to begin with because all of your adoring fans were there supporting you in the stands the whole time, praying for you and your family. i cant wait till the finals, but we have to take this one "game" at a time. fight as hard as you can! ill be there for you whenever you need me. a setter always takes care of her girls :) once part of the team, always part of the team. and no matter what, i will always be there to cover for you when you go up to fight those blasts. :)
i love you tons! <3 anna*
btw! thanks for the game idea Mrs. Dodson!
Hey Lizzy girl, yes BELIEVE is a great word and we do believe in you...You are and inspiration to us all we can learn a lot from you and your faith...Your smile just touches our hearts as Mr. Chuck calls you "Smiley Jack." Now you came this far, you can do another 45% peice of cake... we lift you up in prayer and there isn't a moment goes by that I don't think of you.. take care girlfriend...we love you very much!!
Hope you feel better soon..If you need anything please call on me and I will be there...
Christine and Randy,
Love you bunches and am thinking of you always please get more of those 3 hour naps you need your rest too...
Lizzy Grace,
I miss you bunches. Love the picture and yes, I believe too!
Hugs and kisses
Aunt Patti
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