I have been so appreciative of all the support from my family, friends, and even random prayer groups or friends of my other friends! Sounds confusing, but it is just neat to know how much people are caring for me!
At first, when the night/morning i found all this out, first thing i thought was, how much longer can i live? Or even just the fact, can i still live? Being all new to this and not having the word get out to a lot of people, i was just so frustrated with God, asking every second, why?!? Now, i never, (still) never listen to the doctors because it is just information i don't need to know. Ya, my blood counts can be low, or anything can be wrong, but like Joe came and said to me on the second night in the hospital; "You believe in God, you believe God was the creator of every single person, do you believe he will heal you, do you believe he has already healed you?
Ya, i do. I have 0% worries and i know with all the prayers, i am put into God's hands, and he has already healed me.:)
Ok now to all the helping out, gifts, etc.. It has been a huge help with all the gifts i have been getting! There hasn't been a day spent bored in the hospital yet. I would like to thank my Aunt Theresa for all the work she has generously done for our family! She is crazy! She will come to visit me during the whole day, then at night, we get all situated and go threw all my gifts and just organize. She also helps out with my mom and keeping up with the house, laundry here, buys me good bed stuff!:) Even the other night, she colored my sisters hair and gave me a pedicure! I love you Aunt Theresa! I would also like to thank everyone who has sent me cards, clothes, lotions, books, etc. they really are what keep me occupied during the days here.
Not trying to sound all demanding or saying you have to do this or as if it is a need, but people are still wanting to get nice, helpful gifts, but just are confused on what to get. I have already stashed up on lotions, word searches, and all these other wonderful gifts! One thing that i feel like we are short of, but are very very helpful, are gift cards. Now i am not saying go get us gifts or anything, but many people are asking and i finally came up with the solution of gift cards! :) Gas cards from speedway are very helpful for my brother and his day trips here to the hospital! Then again, food cards such as, fast food places, chipotle, boston market, BW3's, and Panera, are very helpful too! I kinda get sick of the hospital food! :P
Thank you again! I can't find any way to express how loved and thankful I am to have all the support!
Love always,
Hi Liz,
I have tried to post comments on your Blog, but have been unsucessful. guess I am "Technology Challenged".
This is my last attemp before calling your sister for expert help.
Aunt Nan and I are praying for you and the family. We have been doing it so much, I may write a prayer and each day I contact God will just say "Ditto" bewfore contiuing.
Much love to you from Vermont,
Uncle Doug & Aunt Nan
Look at you, girlfriend! You're an official blogger! You commented that you couldn't find a way to express your thanks for all the support, yet you already have. Your smile says it all :) Have a great day with your aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins!
Mrs. D.
Lizzy Grace,
What a wonderful idea about gift cards. The fact that you took into consideration your brother and all the driving shows what a special young women you really are. The positive attitude towards your illness lifts my spirits too. I wish I could be there this weekend....everyone is there to support you. See how loved you are!
Hugsand Kisses
Aunt Patti
Thanks so much for your blog message today. You are an inspiration! God is blessing us all through you. We already have had friends tell us today how much they appreciate your letting them know how they can give you a helpful gift. Just one more thing -- your smile just lights up the room when we visit.
We’ll see you in a few days when we get back in town. We love you so very much.
Grandma & Grandpa L
Hey Liz,
Wow girl we just love your heart and honesty...you brought annie and I to tears when we read your blog..you will get through this liz your faith and trust in God will see you through...not to mention all the people you have on your side praying and loving you...
I am glad you mentioned what you need that is what we are here for to help you with whatever you need.
To keep you up to date we have raised 240 dollars from the bracelets and there are plenty more to make I would like to thank all Liz's team members volleyball and basketball, clssmates,wellspring friends, teachers, parents, for showing interest in the bracelets.. speading Liz's word and keeping her in your prayers... with that we can bring you gift cards or whatever your heart desires...Annie wants to talk to you on the phone so i will try and reach your mom if you feel up to talking...she sends her love to her big sis and is praying for you all the time (annie's words)Luke also sends his love he asks me about you daily...take care girlfriend..
Much Love!
The Jones'
Liz that was a really nice blog from you :) I think that you writing that is what will keep people comforted and praying :) i love you, wish i could come still :(
hi lizzy its luke,wow nelly you look pretty on the blog!! but you always do everybody at
school misses you but i miss you more. i prayed ever since you've been in the hospital. and im never stopping.ilove you lizzy like a sister. i hope get better.
luke jones
Hi Liz,
My Mom and I go on your Blog almost every day!I keep seeing the Jonas Brothers on T.V and it reminds me of you at the volleyball matches when you would sing very,very,very loud to "Burning Up". I could not wait to write to you,and WOW:o Jonas brothers like just came on T.V!OK, that was scary! Anyway Liz did you get my "Witch On A Broom"? Well I hope you did. I made the A basketball team!:)And my dad is the coach. YEAH! Those pitures of you are very good on the Blog. I miss you.
Hope You Feel Better,
Lakin Steedly
Hey liz! im so glad to hear from you! not saying the blogs you dont write arent helpful and uplifting but its a relief to read something from you! btw that is an amazing picture of you! i love it! im really sorry i havent come to see you yet. i was going to tomorrow but you have family in. pppplllleeeeaaaaassssssseeee text me when you are having a good day and feel okay! ill come to see you for sure! and the gift card idea i must say is extreamly helpful! i wouldve never thought of that! keep being strong and positive! i miss you and i pray for you everyday! keep fighting to be a rapid respopnder! i love you!
<3 anna*
I love that you finally posted on the blog. It will be nice for people to hear from you. Don't worry about trying to thank everyone. None of us are doing anything for thanks at all. We're doing it because we care about you and your family. No thanks necessary, but you expressed it well anyway in your post. Never fear, gift cards will be coming. That's the easiest thing to do after prayers!
Now, enjoy this weekend with your family, and then put your nose to the grindstone for RR status! :)
Oh, and I ordered a few extra bracelets so if there's anyone at school you know who wants one, have them see me.
Love ya,
Mrs. G
Dear Liz
I think you are so tall for me. I am just 7. Do you feel better? I miss you and the whole volleyball team. I really liked being the shagger for the team and marking the tallies on the clipboard that showed how many good serves or misses you did. You were good.
My mommy says so. I say so too.
My mommy will see you soon. I wish I could too, but I will get excited for when she tells me that she hugged you from little me.
love Daiton Donald Steedly
Hi Liz! Your message was great! It was nice to hear from you. Your faith and strength inspire me!! I hope you are having a wonderful time with your family this weekend. The girls and I will come and see you soon! Stay strong!
Love, Ginger
Hey there Liz!
I loved hearing from you. You really mean a lot to everyone and they love to hear from you. Your right about God already healing you. I think everyone believes it...but your the most important person who has to believe. So stay strong and just believe that God has a plan for you:)
love, emily
heyy liz! its nikki:)Sorry i havent gotten to visit you... i haven't been feeling well!I just went to the doctor today and I have a sinus infection:( But I am getting better already and the doctor said that i might be able to go and visit you! :) I can't wait!! Keep staying strong!Love ya, stay strong!
- nikki
hey liz!
its so great to see a blog from you on the blog.! Im checking it everyday and I saw one from you and was so suprised and gladd.
everyone at school supports you fully. we all wear orange on the orange days. i know everyone (plus me) is praying for you everyday and thinking about you.
Fight this as hard as you can; you'll deff. be a RR!
Hi Liz (and the Lothrops),
You are such an inspiration - keep up the positive thoughts! Patients like you and families like yours are the reason I love my job!
Nurse Katie
Hey Liz!
I'm alicia and Mrs. Etherington is my language arts teacher. So I dont know you and hopefully you dont think im a crepper. But i just wanted say how AMAZING you are!
To go through everything your going through and still manage to smile for the pictures thats incredible. I know you have inspired many people, because even my school is covered in orange on tuesdays.
Stay strong Liz!
alicia lang
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