I thought I would send a note of encouragement out to everyone regarding Elizabeth. She has been in great spirits over the past several days. We are looking forward to Tuesday, her hugh day, and having ZERO blasts left in her bone marrow. Please, if you have not ever fallen on your knees to pray, this would be a wonderful time to start. We Lothrop's sure are needy on prayers!
One real encouragement is that her platelets are on the rise. She had gone from 31,000 to 40,000, and now today up to 53,000 all on their own. Platelets are the clotting agent in your blood and the normal range is 135,000-466,000. She has a long way to go but they are headed in the right direction for the first time. All due to the prayers and medical staff God has put before us. Elizabeth's white blood cell count is .2 and the normal is 4.5-5.10, we won't go there yet. This is the infection fighting cell, the ones that got us into trouble in the first place and are still causing us grief. Her RBC (red blood) is 8.6 and remains steady with the normal range being 12.0-16.0. Liz's hemoglobin is at 8.6 and has remained around that number for the past several days too. This is her energy level (oxygen in her blood.) Her ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) is at 40. This is the big infection fighter in your body.
Even though Elizabeth is doing very well appearance wise, and the ones who have been here to visit can attest to that, please remember that the battle is taking place on the inside. She is a fighter and a survivor but there is no way she can win this battle without the constant prayer from everyone and the true physician.
Please remember Tuesday the 25th is her 29th day of induction and one that is causing me a lot of anxiety and I am sure Elizabeth as well. Her BMA needs to show Zero blasts for her to continue on into the next phase which is called the Consolidation Phase. The Consolidation Phase will last 53 days with a seven day break before the next phase begins. Our life is all about phases :-). If she is not at zero they will give her another two weeks of Induction to try to reach zero; if she does not reach zero Elizabeth will go off treatment and into another type. BUT WE KNOW SHE WILL HIT ZERO, EL ZIPPO, NADA, ETC.....
So for now please continue to pray for:
Blasts to be at zero
Few effects from her BMA and spinal
Few effects from chemo (Vincristine, Daunorubinsin, and Methotrexate)
And for her spirits to continue to be so positive and upbeat
In His name,
Liz, I have your "The Way I See It" cup on my desk and your mandala is hanging in the room. Each perfectly show how determined a person you are. You continue to be an inspiration to so many. Thoughts and prayers will continue from our end. See you soon,
Mr. Schatzle
Thanks for all the info. It really makes me feel a part of her healing process....it's very difficult to be so far away and constantly wondering how my Lizzy Grace is doing. She always looks so great and sounds upbeat, but she is fighting a battle we can't see. So thanks to all who keep us informed, and gives us a little piece of mind. We are praying for Lizzy to be at zero...she wants to go home for a few days so badly.
Love to all,
Aunt Patti and Uncle Scott
Thanks Aunt Chris for the update! This really puts into perspective what Liz is going through. This disease is so complicated and the numbers really tell the story. We love you guys so very much!
Liz- Keep your head up, you are so strong! A true inspiration to us all:) We love you and will continue to pray every day for you.
Love always,
Tyler and Melissa
Thanks for the update again on Liz. I know it is so hard to talk to everyone individually and this process helps us all. It sounds like the bedroom at home is coming along (in case of Lizzie's pending release for a few days) We are praying for "Zero" on Tuesday Liz! How great that Grandma and Grandpa Westhoven were able to spend the day with you. We all love you so much!
Aunt Cec, Uncle Geno and the boys
Liz and fam,
I check your blog every day, but wanted to leave a comment this time...
As is everyone, the children and I are praying for you and your healing while in our home, at work and at school. Not only do we have confidence in YOUR infinite spirit, but in the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God's healing power as well...
Randy and Christine,
I cannot imagine how weary you must become...(those cot/chairs are sooo comfortable) I totally understand how your moods and days revolve around the "news" of the day and Lizzy's well being at any given moment. I just wanted to encourage you and remind you both that you have both been hand chosen by God to be there for Lizzy. When He created her, He purposefully selected the two of you to entrust His precious child to. Let that remind you that He has faith in your ability to care for her (with the help of countless others) through this trial. May it also serve as a reminder that He too knows your sorrow, your fatigue, your questions... even your doubts, and yes, your faith.
How lucky Lizzy is to have been entrusted to two Faith-filled, loving and selfless parents. She truly is blessed!
Stay strong and know that we are not only praying for your precious daughter, but for the two of you, Cat and Jimmy as well.
I'm only a phone call away if there is anything I can do for you... and I do mean ANYTHING.
Your Sister in Christ,
p.s. I called week before last to schedule the blood drive and the church had already set one up. I would be happy to set up an additional one at either Mason or Sycamore Schools if you think that would be worth while.
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