Hi all!
I had almost finished up an update on Lizzy last night...when my
computer froze up...and I lost it!
Here is a quick glimpse:
-Lizzy got 2 shots of chemo yesterday / one in each leg at the same
time -----Ouch!
-Great news! In her CBC (complete blood count) - there were NO blasts
(immature white blood cells) - this is a sign that the chemo is working!
-Lizzy is having night sweats - Christine helps to change her sheets
and jammies 1-2 times each night ...no fun = (
-Gift ideas: basket ball shorts / size medium & t-shirts....cute ones
from Walmart....Lizzy sleeps in these for jammies, and with the night
sweats they are needing to do lots of laundry...
The next big day is Day #8 / November 4th-Liz will have high doses of chemo...2 via her IV, and 1 intrathecally
(through her spinal tap)
-She will have a spinal tap to test her spinal fluid, and a bone marrow
aspiration to test her bone marrow
-These tests will determine if she is a Rapid Responder...please
continue to pray towards this end. If her tests indicate a RR, this
will be confirmed on Day #29 (November 25th), if not...she will get
more high doses of chemo in hopes that she will respond in one more
week...thus considering here a RR as well...again to be confirmed on
Day #29...
Randy went home last night. He may go
back to work on Monday. Things are starting to settle into a routine.
The scary times are with new chemo, or side effects...but Liz is doing
great, she looks great and she is enjoying visits from her friends!
She is getting physical therapy daily, and she started occupational
therapy yesterday (occupational therapy is a great diversion that
focuses on fine motor skills...)
Word has it that TEAM GLITTER GIRL! (TGG!) is wearing orange on Tuesday
...the next big day for Liz. Orange is the color that stands for
finding a cure for leukemia (like pink is for breast cancer). Consider
joining TEAM GLITTER GIRL! on Tuesday and sport your favorite shade of
orange in solidarity for Lizzy's total and complete healing!
Have I mentioned a few NON NEGOTIABLES? = )
-Pls. get a flu shot before you visit (not the nasal kind)
- MUST wash your hands each and every time you enter the room
- MUST wear a mask each and every time you visit
Christine is concerned that with the ongoing good reports of Lizzy,
that people will let praying go by the way side...
She wanted me to pass on to you...Please continue praying...this is WHY
Lizzy is doing well! Pray unceasingly...continually...every time you
think about her!
- Thank God for:
- No indications of blasts in Liz's CBC
- The minimal side effects of chemo
- The love and care the Lothrops are experiencing.
- The continued terrific care of all the medical staff at Childrens
- The Chemo to work to get Liz into a very quick remission ....Rapid
- Minimal side effects (God is able to protect Liz from these
uncomfortable, sometimes very concerning side effects!!!)
- Rest...physical and emotional...for the Lothrops...for Liz
"God's invitation for us to work with Him always leads us to a Crisis
of Belief that requires FAITH and action...
He wants to reveal Himself to us. He calls us to an assignment that
we cannot do without Him. The assignment will have God-sized
(EXPERIENCING GOD ; Blackaby and King)
Pray, wear orange on Tuesday, Love...!
We Love You Lizzie!!
Keep Fighting and we will keep praying!!
Aunt Cec. Uncle Gene,
Patrick & Justin
Still praying, and definitely wearing orange on Tuesday! So glad to hear you're joining us. It's great things are going well so far. I love that the burrito didn't beat you (that you ate the whole thing). Yummmm!
Love ya,
Mrs. G
Robin, Mallory, Amanda, Jonathan,Scott, Thomas & Tanner are all praying unceasingly for Liz and all the Lothrops!
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