August 4
Three months ago, you were the start of something new.
Mason Volleyball went from one 8th grade team to two.
I was thrilled to have you as one of my 10 players to coach.
I saw you beyond a good block, hit and approach.
When we worked together to change a move or your swing,
You made the change almost instantly. (Rapid Responder)
September 4
Two months ago, you became a part of another something new.
I truly believed in your back-row skills and you believed in them too.
I kept you on the court and you were an all-round threat.
You jump-served, passed to target...You did “way” more than block and hit.
October 4
One month ago, you were a part of another something new.
You came to me with back pain that I could not “stretch” you through.
You played so great in the GMC final four
You gave 100 percent. I could not have asked for more.
November 4
Today, you may need to be a part of another something new
If this is the case…I have designed one for you.
You can make your Leukemia another volleyball season.
I have thought long and hard and here is my reason.
You are an athlete with a mindset not to give in.
You are a rapid responder. You thrive to win.
You can block this Leukemia like you block an opponent
When you have a test, think of it as your shining moment.
Before a test, you can call those cute huddle-commands:
Like the ones for our team as we all clenched our hands.
You can make your supporters, your fans in the stands
Picture us shouting and clapping our hands.
Ace! Kill! Block it, Lizzy! We are in prayer!
You can have me in the stands with orange straight hair.
And after the test you must trust that you have won.
Trust the results are a “tally” in the winning column.
And if not, then remember a loss is not failure or defeat.
You just focus on the next chance to win and succeed.
And when your tests or procedures are down to the final 2, Win The Title!
I believe in you.
Coach K-
What a great post by your coach. I totally agree. It even made me cry a little. :) Good luck tomorrow. We'll all be rooting for you!
Go get 'em!
Hey babe! that was a great post! it was definatly right! since i have played and practiced with you before, and have been your setter, i have seen that never give up attitude of yours :) now that i think about it, that was one of the things that kept us all so strong as a team. if you can fight leukimia as hard as you did KIVA, MAVA, and team Z, then you will get through this for sure! keep that i am i can i will attitude up :) BTW that did make me cry too! it made me think of jo last year and how far you came in that ONE season. most people couldnt do that. it also made me think of the team indiana game. if i remember correctly, the score was 24-23 them. i set you and you had a straight down kill, giving us another chance :) that was amazing. love you lots! <3 anna*
Hey Lothrops,
Awesome post from your coach! It fired me up, and made me want to watch Remember the Titans!
One thing is for are truly and sincerely loved by many.
Couldn't have been said any better-- you have been a leader and a winner in everything I have seen of you so far... this is no different! you will rock!
Thinking and Praying,
Mr. Schatzle
Great post by your coach. Totally wearing orange tomorrow (even on my fingernails)! Hope my dad got the package to you okay! We're all praying!
Liz, you are going to do amazing things with God as your tag team partner. You will be in my prayers. Stay strong, and don't give up. Don't ever give up!
Randy, it was really good to see you today, you have my number and email, don't hesistate to hit me up for anything. You will be in my prayers as well, as well with the rest of the family. Don't give up. Don't ever give up.
It was great to be with you today and see your smiling face..
Coach K, YOU ROCK!!!I think he spoke for all of us...Liz we are all in the stands cheering you on.
Picture your bed sitting in the middle of US Bank Arena or even bigger..and everyone is giving you a Standing Ovation. You just stay tough and spike the leukemia to the ground...Just remember how much you are loved and how many people you have praying for you...
Jennifer William's mom Barb came by and got a couple of bracelets...she wanted to wear it to school tomorrow...well sweety you hang tough and we will be wearing our orange and thinking of you tomorrow..
Kristi and family
wow... liz you are so lucky to have people look at you this way :) that was an amazing entry it made me cry...and I usually just cry for myself when I}m sick...LOL
I love you, you better call me soon ♥
Hi Lizzie,
I can't wait to meet your coach! What a great post!
It has been a long time since I have had the chance to watch you in action... Liz, I look forward to the next time. Good luck tomorrow and stay strong.
The Quigley Family
that entry really touched me. I cried a little. (: i'm praying real hard for you to be a rapid responder! i love you and i know you can fight this luekemia off. I am getting my flu shot tomorrow at exactly 3:10. I'm doing this for you ! i have never gotten a flu shot. eek. i'm scaredd. but the whole time i will think of you! your spirit and just me thinking of you motivates me and makes me not be afraid of anythingg. i love you so very much. I'm wearing orange tomorrow and i texted everyone in my contacts in my phone to wear orange! i painted my nais a pinky orange color and painted an orange ribbon on my thumb just for you! i love you girlie stay strongg!
:D <333
Hi Liz, That was a great message from your Mason coach! It is all so true!! I am - I can - I will!! You have always had that great attitude and belief!! You are in my thoughts daily and my prayers!! You have the power Liz!! Keep fighting!!
Love, Ginger
Wow, what a great post from an obviously great coach who sees you through and through! I am assuming things are better today since it sounds like you had visitors:) I took cookies and a package to your house tonight that I hope you receive tomorrow, along with good news from your testing.
I am definitely wearing orange tomorrow and have made orange ribbons pins (for several people at work too). I have my co-workers so involved in your blog that every day they asked "whats going on with Lizzy" and read along with me to get their update too:) We are all praying and sending our love to our beautiful, sweet Lizzy.
Good luck tomorrow and sweet dreams.
Lisa Bargo
We're in the stands Lizzy Grace!!!
We're screaming our lungs out, clapping our hands and stomping our feet. We will root you on until you whip the very last leukemia cell's butt!
Hang in there kiddo, be strong.
We love you VERY much!
Aunt Laura & Ken
HI Liz,
Aunt Theresa and I just want to wish you the best tomorrow. Hailey was very happy with the gifts that you gave her!!The post from your coach was great. Look forward to seeing you this weekend!!!
Love Ya!! Aunt Theresa & Uncle Greg
Good morning Liz, Christine, Randy, Cat, and's the day go Orange...we will pray that you are a RAPID RESPONDER! Hang tough you will persevere...
He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak.
Isaiah 40:29..
God will give you the strength.
Jesus will hold your hand.
Holy Spirit will comfort you and keep your smile bright...
love you bunches,
Hey Liz, The whole family's wearing orange for you today (well, Meghan couldn't find anything but we worked it out)! You are in our every thought.
The Lythgoes
Yeah, our family is wearing orange, too ... even Kyle. I heard Brit advising him on fashion this morning. Go, fight, win Liz Lothrop!
Mrs. D.
Continuing to pray here at the McDowell's ALL DAY..."This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." We are rejoicing in this day because we know Who's hands you are in. We are trusting God for great results today. We can't wait to read that you are a rapid responder!! What a poem by coach K - she said it all well - keep fighting! And I guess we learned from Joe that real men not only wear pink, but they can wear kilts, too! Impressive video...REAL friends wore orange for you all day, too:)
Trusting Him,
Mrs. McD (for everyone!)
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