Hello everyone,
Just wanted to give everyone a quick up-date on Elizabeth. As of today, Dec. 5th, we have not been able to start the Consolidation Phase. Her ANC's have to be at 750 and they are at 630. Good news is they are on their way up! Bad news is we could not start Consolidation. The doctors are hoping that we can begin on Tues., Dec. 9th; so please pray that she continues to rise in her counts. Her Platelets, the blood clotting agent is at 204,000, right in the middle of normal, and her Hemaglobin is at 12.3; just above low end of normal.
We are encouraged by her response to the treatment and are looking forward to moving on and not delay the treatment any longer. The doctors say that that her response does not effect her outcome it just prolongs the end of treatment.
Elizabeth continues to be in the best of spirits and has a positive outlook on her future. She looks forward to seeing friends in a school setting again and just being a 14 yr old without any worries.
Please continue to pray for her counts to be high enough for this procedure, also for her procedure on the 16th when they put her port in. The port takes the place of her pick line which distributes her chemo, blood draws, and any other meds. that they give her. Also on day 29 of her protocol she must be at an ANC of 750 once again to go on to the rest of this Consolidation Phase.
There is a benefit for Elizabeth on Dec. 16th at Abuelos at Deerfeild Commons on Mason/Montgomery Road for lunch/dinner. She will receive 20% off your total dinning bill. Just mention Elizabeth Lothrop and bring in the flyer. I have not figured out how to attach it yet but I will keep trying. If not, our email is rlothrop@cinci.rr.com email us and we will send it to you. Just print it off and take it to the restaurant with you. Just a side note, the manager at Abuelos is a Lymphoma survivor and he is also a good friend of one of my friends from Mason Intermediate School, Karen Turner. Thank you Karen for making this wonderful event happen for Elizabeth.
She will receive her port on the 16th of Dec. but we plan to be at Abuelos for her celebration and Jimmy, our son's 17th birthday.
Thank you to all who fasted and prayed last week. We truly believe that God heard the prayers of his faithful followers and granted her the prayer of less than 1% blasts. Ours prayers have been answered once again and God is the true physican.
Please keep Elizabeth covered in prayers for a full and complete recovery and let God lead us one step at a time on this journey of faith, learning, surrendering and love.
Blessings to all,
Randy and Christine
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