Hi Randy & Christine,
We were so THRILLED to hear that Lizzy got to come home for Thanksgiving and be with family! Praise God for this blessing! How nice for all of you to be together in your own home sharing a meal, something that we all take for granted when life is somewhat 'normal'. It's in these little blessings that remind us that God loves us & provides, He's always with us and directs our path..
We LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH and we are walking this path with you as so many friends and family are. Know that you are not alone in this and that others LOVE and CARE deeply for Lizzy and your family. It is clearly evident how your family is continually touching so many lives while you walk this path. Each day we read Lizzy's blog we can see how God is working through her and your family.... her incredibly strong spirit, faith and determination, the outpouring of love from family & friends, the testimonies of faith from friends & strangers....Your family is a living testimony of God's love.. as hard and difficult as this is to understand, and probably the most difficult experience you will ever go through, your family is a blessing to many lives!
Our family in particular have been awakened to a renewed sense of gratitude and mindfulness of God's love and provision. While we live our busy filled lives and time marches on, we as Christians often can easily fall into a 'slump of faith' and get down on ourselves when we find times tough & challenging. God, through Lizzy and your family have given us a much needed jolt of mindfulness and gratitude. We continue to be blessed by your family and we Grieses' sure love and appreciate you and are thankful for you being in our lives. God has blessed us in bringing our families together to share some great times and we continue to look forward in sharing life together. When we talk about your family, all of our family have smiles on our faces, that's truly a God thing! (Randy, you coined that phrase :)
As hard as it must be for you to understand why you are walking this path, take comfort knowing you are not alone, we and others are walking it with you with God by your side, leading the way...keep believing and trusting Him and He will provide the strength and peace that passes all understanding. God is love. You are love and are loved.
Our prayer for beautiful Lizzy and your family is to continue to stay strong in faith and hope, continuing to be thankful for His provisions, trusting God unconditonally for His love and healing.
Stay strong.
We love you all & miss you.
Yours because His,
Karen & Jamie & family
So true, so true! Hope you "get" to go to the hospital tomorrow, Liz!
lol nice Jib Jab vids. Jimmy was really funny. Good thing your counts got up so you can have your treatment. say wats up to the family and tell jim to request me on xbox live my name is dabeast85. Anyways hope you feel better soon
Dylan and Family
Hi Liz,
I am so glad you got to go home for Thanksgiving...nothing like being home, in your own bed, with no vampires coming in at 4am!! I am glad that your counts seem to be going in the right direction, and hope that tomorrow you will be able to start your next round of chemo. Your strength and spirit is an inspiration to everyone.
Sending over lots of positive energy!
"G-d grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"
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