Liz and I have now on two occasions planned on attending one of their games, but her counts had other plans! Despite the fact that most of these guys have never met Liz their encouragement has been amazing! Her room on A5 South is adorned with posters created by the guys on this team. Yesterday, I think Liz was awake for maybe 30 minutes. All 30 of those minutes were spent reading letters of encouragement from the players on this team! These guys wrote with passion, conviction and sincerity to a girl fighting the fight of her life. It brought tears to my eyes. The power of the human spirit in these teenage boys absolutely blew me away!
Here are just a few excerpts from their letters:
“I know it must be kind of weird to be receiving like 40 letters from people you’ve never met, but personally I just wanted to tell you that I admire you greatly.” Blake Johns
“While I am sure that at times it can be rough on your part, I hope you realize what you have done and continue to do, has brought much strength and motivation not only to the people on the lacrosse team, but to everyone in the Sycamore community.”Kevin Carroll
“...even though you don’t know me you have had a great impact on not just this lacrosse team but the entire community. Your everyday struggles may leave you feeling down but I am here to tell you we never stop thinking and praying for you.” Brian Badeer
“I’m sure you have heard of our manly new pink laces on our cleats. :) Honestly none of us mind and are happy to sport them in your honor. Its also nice to have something to play for. Not gonna lie I think they make me faster :).” Ron Lutterbie
“Every time I see your huge smile on every picture, you just put a smile on me. You are doing something amazing when you can put a smile on my face when you are battling cancer and I am not. You inspired people to rally together and to help fight this deadly disease. You have also inspired people to appreciate the little things.” Michael Zenz
"I am honored to wear the pink shoe laces you picked out. Every game when I am asked, "What are the laces about?" by opponents, I just smile and reply, "every goal we beat you by helps out my heroes in the Lothrop family." Omar Al-Rafaei
"Every time I read a story or blog about you and your family it brings a tear to my eye. Not because of the sadness but because of the great determination that I see in you Lothrops. My tears of joy and admiration come from you remaining upbeat and enthusiastic, your father and mother finding such strength in their Lord and in you, and from your sister taking action against cancer with her involvement in Relay for Life. To see a family so close and resilient makes me smile from ear to ear." Tyler Dowdall
Thank you Sycamore lacrosse team for taking the time in your already busy schedules to pick us up! The power of community astounds me.
How sweet!
Love Ron Lutterbie's.. and Omar's....and of course the last one because I am mentioned ;) hahah those were so great though, Thank you boys LAX team!!!
I saw the boys and their snazzy pink shoe laces when Mason lacrosse played them a few weeks ago. It was kinda cool to know that while Sycamore was playing against Mason, the boys were also rooting for a Mason student! You've got heart Aviators!
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