Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Unfortunately we are delayed for the second round of HD Methotrexate, fortunately there is an opening on Friday, March 6th, so we will have labs at Liberty on Thurs. to see if her counts are a go for Friday.

Somewhere along the line I missed the vital information that her counts need to be at certain level before each admit with the HD Methotrexated. I am sure you know which ones by now; yes, the ANC of 750 and the platelets of 75k, ANC, (immune) and platelets (blood clotting agents.)

Liz has sensitive platelets and they always seem to get hit first and hardest. Her body also fights off the platelets that are given to her during a transfusion. At least something is working within her body! She must obtain and sustain these levels on her own to receive the next dose. Liz is transfused when her platelets become too low and are critical to her own body. She is usually transfused when she falls into the 20k or is having symptoms due to a low count. Regular platelets range between 135k - 466k.

Liz's ANCs are good, they are reading 1020, this means that she can be around people without a mask, 500 and below is when a mask and flu shot are mandatory. Liz may even make an appearance at school again. I just don't like the fact that it is still flu season but Dr. Absalon feels that it is good for her to have a little socialization and normalcy. He said this phase is the last time this school year she will be able to attend.

Her GRF test on her kidney levels came back great, no problem there. Thank you for those prayers! These tests will be preformed before every admit to make sure fluids are filtering through her kidneys at acceptable levels. Her mouth sores are under control and there have been no signs of any new ones popping up.

Please continue to pray on our behalf for the following:
Liz is a go on Fri. and her platelets are at least at 75k.
her mouth sores go away.
the families and patients on 5A at Children's.
Dr. Jen Pope as she comes back to work after the birth of her baby, Claire.

Blessings to you and your family.


Melissa Lohman Grablovic said...

I hate you have a delay, but am really glad there are things going well too. I'm especially glad you're coming back to school some and we can put you to WORK!



kaylamcdowell said...

it is great having you back in school some days !! especially when you come to my classes :)
