Today was a great day! Liz took both chemo shots to her thighs. There were many potential side effects,yet Liz continues to respond very well! Her body seems to greatly appreciate the job the chemo therpy is doing on her leukemia cells! Liz's body has been so replenished since we have been here that SHE SEEMS VERY MUCH HER NORMAL SELF! Thank you Lord!!! The new doctors are constantly alarmed by Liz's slow heart rate until they inquire, only to find out that she is a well conditioned athlete.
Tomorrow flu season starts here at Childrens. Along with that comes strict rules on our floor. Age 14 and above with flu shots. Max 3 to 4 visitors at a time. Best time is afternoon evenings. Doctor visits and procedures seem to go on much of the morning.
Lizzy's spirits are high, our outlook and sense of God's hand on EVERYTHING has been nothing shy of a miricle. Thank you everyone for your prayers, both those of you that we know and those that we have never met!
I have included a picture of one of Lizzy's favorite nurses Katie who has been with us from the start!!! Also Dr. Jen Pope, she will be Lizzy's doctor for years down the road. She is awesome!!! Till tomorrow! God Bless, Randy
Hey Liz it's Christina from Allure :) I just wanted to tell you i haven't stopped thinking about you since the moment i found out. My sister is a Leukemia nurse and she is keeping me very hopeful for you. It is amazing how many people's lives you touch..just reading all the comments people have are an inspiration to soo many! You are such a beautiful girl with a sweet heart. I know that you will go through many valleys but you have so much love and will be on that mountain before you know it. God has wonderful things in store for you. I have faith that He will get you through this and you will be an even more amazing person than you already are when he's through with you:) ALL MY LOVE AND PRAYERS. ~Christina p.s. LOVE the new hair it's soo cute! ;)
its alex..again(: your hair is SOO
cute im jealous(: we miss you at school and i know ill see you soon! (because im 14 in like a few weeks!)
God is amazing....thanks for sharing Joe's story, We have no doubt he will heal Lizzie. We all get our Flu shots on the 4th and plan to visit soon. We love you girl...keep smiling!
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