Hi all!
I wanted to get quick note out to let you know that Liz had NONE of
the genetic markers that would of been concerning. This is terrific
Liz also responded very well to chemo last night. She had no n/v.
This morning, as she was just mentioning to Christine that she was
feeling a little queezy, the nurse walked in with her next dose of
antiemetic...(anti n/v). Perfect timing!
Additionally, the chemo did not make Liz tired last night or today!
She was up talking and playing a game with Randy and Christine till
after midnight! And, this afternoon, she was visiting with friends,
smiling, and playing on the computer. By the way, Liz's grandpa gifted
her with a new computer that is much faster than the old one. She is
REALLY enjoying it!
Liz was adorable tonight...she is thinking about getting her hair cut
into one of the cute new do's of the season. She and Katherine
etc...were looking at lots of options on the computer. They may play
beauty shop tonight and we will all see a new style tomorrow!
Randy was telling me how God is answering their every need. For
instance, today he asked about physical therapy for Liz. She is doing
fine, this is just an extra measure to help her maintain her muscle
tone, and range of motion. Randy said that within an hour the PT was
in Liz's room, worked with her, and said he would be back tomorrow.
Christine INSISTS on most visitors wearing a mask. If a visitor is
around lots of people, the mask is mandatory. (Like in school for
instance, where you can pick up a bug and not be aware of it yet...)
Lizzy is not too keen on this new rule, but it does not look like
Christine is giving in! So, if you are around lots of people in the
day, and/or if you are 18yrs. or younger, then please take the
initiative to put on a mask before you go into the room. The masks are
just outside the door. And don't forget to wash your hands too! There
is a sign on the door asking all to wash their hands, but Christine is
concerened b/c she does not think people are seeing the sign as they
are anxious to get to see Liz.
There are a bit more fun stories and answered prayer to share with you,
so I will pass that on in the morning. For now, know that all is well
on the 5th floor in room 45! It was peaceful with Liz's friends,
aunts, grandma and siblings. There were smiles and hugs. Liz has this
hot pink finger nail polish on, and it matches the bandage that covers
her IV. Adorable! There are balloons and treats... All in all...a
quiet celebration of God's provision even amidst this storm.
Randy told me he can feel your prayers. He is peacful, and grateful.
It is so clear that God is present. We know, in reality, that God is
always present, but He is revealing himself in wonderful ways through
you, your prayers, and Liz's good medical news today.
Please keep praying:
-Thank God for how Liz responded to her first dose of chemo.
-Thank God for the absence of concerning genetic markers.
-Thank God for his very real presence to the Lothrops.
-Thank God for the amazing medical staff that surround Liz and her
family. (More on that tomorrow!)
-Please continue to pray that Liz would respond favorably to chemo.
-Please continue to pray that Liz is a Rapid responder.
I will send out the rest tomorrow.
Thank you Lord Jesus for holding Liz in the palm of your hand, and
carrying her through these past many days. Thank you Lord for making
yourself real and tangible for the Lothrups. Thank you for Liz's
i am soooo excited to come and see you next friday. I can't wait to see your super hott** hair cut! And you're pink nails. At the moment i have red nails. for red ribbon week! I am very happy for the good newss! I was jumping for joyy when i read this. (: I will be praying and praying and praying! you'll always be in my thoughts!
I love you soososoosososos much!
~Magatha (a.k.a-Maggie Etherington)
Hey Liz!
I want to see that new haircut! When we were talking about it yesterday, I didn't realize you were going to do it last night. I bet it looks awesome.
I was so glad to be able to visit with you and that you looked so good and chipper. I'm going to be looking into a new computer this weekend. After seeing yours, I am so on the Apple bandwagon and will definitely be checking those out. :)
YAYYYYYYYYYY!!! That is what we've been praying for! We will not stop praying for you and for your entire family.
Cheryl Weaver (and family)
AMEN! I am soooo glad things are moving in the right direction and you are doing so well!! I would love to see you guys but am waiting to allow time for your close friends and family, but I will be there soon! When I come, I have a 12 inch "lock of love" I cut from my daughter's hair I will bring with me to see about sending it too. Again, thank your friend and sis for all the postings, and THANK GOD FOR ALL THE GOOD NEWS! With love, Mrs. Bargo
We have been thinking about you all constantly. I'm so happy that the genetic markers aren't present! You sound like a very brave, strong girl Liz. I know the days and weeks ahead won't be easy. If there is anything I can do for you in the upcoming days, weeks and months, I would love to help out. My prayers will continue for you and and your family! God bless you!
Lorinda Ottaway
sycamore teacher
Hey Lizzy,
It's Troy and Ashley. We just wanted to let you know that we are coming to Cinci this weekend and can't wait to see you. I want to see this cute new haircut :) Also, I wanted to let you know that my little fourth graders learned all about Leukemia (in simple terms) in class and they wish you the very best. Troy and I love you very much and you are in our thoughts and prayers.
P.S. Dozer says hi too.
Love you!!!!
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