Meet Melissa Grablovic, Liz's teacher from Mason Middle that became certified to home school teach Liz. She has become a part of the Lothrop family. Truly a blessing. Her spirit is contagious!
One of Cathy's best friends Riley came over Saturday night so that Christine and I could go out on a date. Liz loves Riley's company. She has been a true friend.
Liz's stylist from Allure, Christina Schnitzler visited this past week and treated both Liz & Christine like princesses. Not the first time she has visited. God has a way of placing special people in in our lives no matter what the circumstances; Christina has a presense about her that lifts everyones spirits.
i looovveeedddd this entry!!!! ;D
Hey love! omg omg omg! i love it! haha i must admit i was very worried! i saw that there wasnt an update i thought something bad had happened!lol im just glad you can text now!i was freaking out like no other! haha o and so was mom. im just super glad your okay cuz i thought you were in the hospital for an emergeny.
and i heard that britt finally gave you the poster!it was a bit delayed (we made it in like november) im glad she got it to you.
i cant wait till i can see you! we like need a movie day or something! or we can play that banana gram game that makes you feel so smart ;) lol.
ive missed you so much. im not going to lie. you are my inspiration. at every practice when i feel tired and that i cant go anymore i just think keep going for liz. you keep me going all day everyday. and at school i am still asked how you are doing. i dont know if ive ever seen so many people at our school care for one person as much as they care about you.
well im just gunna wrap this up so your not up all night reading this. i love you sooo much and im so proud to say i no you. you keep a smile on your face and you are going through more than any one person should ever go through. id love to say i could do that but i dont think i could and thats what makes you and your family stand out. you really are a hero to me. youve showed me what hope strength and family can do for a person and how it can change your entire outlook on life.
ill see you soon! keep being strong and fight hard. i love you a ton and dont you ever forget it!
<3 anna*
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