Elizabeth and Aunt Theresa snuggling and sleeping before the start of day 29 of the Consolidation Phase...I thought she felt puny then.....
Whew.......what a day. We are now home from our overnight admit from day 29. If today is any indication of what is to come from this AraC over the next two weeks we are in for a nasty ride.
Most of the morning was spent finding a way to keep her from vomiting. She gets pretty ugly when that happens; I can't say I would be much better! One should never see a toilet from that view point, it is just not a good way to start the day or end the day or any way in between for that matter.
With the aid of Zofran, Benadryl, and Phenergan, we managed to get everything under control and she finished out the day by sleeping it away. This will be her protocol for the next two weeks. Her good days should possible be this Sat., Sun., and Mon, and I know if she is feeling well she would love to have friends over.
We will go back to clinic on Tues. for a physical and they will monitor her blood counts through blood draws this Fri. and coming Mon. By Tues. or Wed. of next week her counts will begin to drop and she will not be allowed to have visitors.
Elizabeth continues to meet this challenge and journey head-on. She is a remarkable girl and I learn from her every day. Just watching her struggle and yet gives out grace when she is so very sick is such an inspiration. I truly do try not to complain anymore; I have no reason for complaining. God is taking care of all our needs and gives us strength when we need it and even when we don't think we do. He is truly a marvelous and awesome God. I hope all of you get a chance to experience him and his over-powering love for each and every one of us.
Please continue to pray for her side effects:
Severe abdominal pain
Emesix (vomiting)
Mouth and GI sores
Muscle and joint pain
Kidney and bladder failure
As always please pray for our families on the 5Th floor of Children's and baby Claire Pope; she may be going home with her mom, Lizzie's Dr., Dr. Jen, next week.
I will continue to pray for all of you and your families and the blessings and strength you are continuing to give Elizabeth and my family.
God bless,
Oh, Bless her heart! I'm glad that she is getting some rest in between all the craziness. Thinking of you.
:) The Merklinger's
Elizabeth, I just wanted to say how brave you are! I was screaming and crying when i got an iv for my cat-scan! You get all these chemos and procedures. I can't even begin to imagine how i would survive all that pain. But, I love you girl and when i got my flu shot i thought of all the shots you had to get and it didnt even hurt. You inspire me elizabeth;to work my hardest, and to be brave. (you know me, i am no where near to brave!) Well, I would love to hang out with you this weekend. Saturday night or Friday night is good for me. Just call or text me chickaa! (:
Bundles of Love,
Magatha, Magpie, Maggie
Awe, what a sweet picture. Hope Liz gets that same, nice restful sleep on Thursday after the challenging experience during the overnight hospital stay. My face is frowning after reading the post tonight. I feel so sad that poor Lizzy has to go through all of this. I feel for mom and dad as well -- never easy watching your child suffer. May sleep be her friend until she feels better. Our prayers will be for a better reaction to these crazy drugs that are designed to be "good" for her. Hang in there everyone!
Sad that Liz is feeling so lousy. But, glad to know that she has such a loving family and such loving friends!
What a cute picture! I hate that it came with the price of feeling lousy though. Keep chugging along the best you can. I'll keep praying for you.
See you guys soon,
Stay strong, Lizzy. We love you and pray for you everyday.
Love you all,
The Polca Family
Hoping you are feeling better soon Lizzie. I know how much you are loved and cherished by us all. I love the photo of you and Aunt Theresa. I hope I can travel soon so I can put my arms around you too.
I love you very much..
Aunt Cec
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