A huge thank you goes out to Dan Reed for organizing the blood drive!
What a special day it was all around on the 23rd.
We had 100 people sign up and we received 70 units of blood.
A special note...we had 50 first time donors...you are well loved Liz!
Liz, it was an honor to help give back all that has been given to you in blood transfusions! And after the image Mr. Dodson shared w/me today of you in the cart at Costco, I get an even better feeling! Watch out world ... here comes the zany, the lovely, the wonderful Liz Lothrop! Hope all the Lothrops are continuing to enjoy great times w/your visiting relatives. Happy New Year!!!
The Dodsons
Hi Liz,
I am so glad you were able to be at home with your family for the holidays. You continue to shine with your radiant smile! I wish all of you a happy and healthy 2009and I know it will bring you closer to your renewed health. Stay as strong and positive as you are. You continue to inspire us all!
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