Believe has been Lizzy's mantra from the day she was diagnosed.
Quick up-date. Liz is doing well but we are still here. Her ANC is still at zero and all indications point to her remaining here until next week maybe being released mid-week. Her spirits remain high; thank you for all the prayers and cards being sent to her.
Once her counts reach 750 for an ANC and 75k for platelets we will begin maintenance. As far as Liz and I are concerned we are in maintenance. No more 57 day phases of hard chemo.
Liz is keeping herself occupied with movies, games, and magazines. I am really proud of her because not only is she in the hospital without visitors, due to the hospital restrictions, she is also in isolation and not allowed to leave her room. These walls can become very small after 13 days. We may hit 3 weeks in here, almost as long as the Induction Phase when she was diagnosed and we stayed for 33 days.
Please pray that Elizabeth's counts come in sooner than what the blood work shows. Miracles happen :-]
"Hear, O LORD, and be merciful to me; O LORD, be my help. You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever."
Psalm 30:10-12
Blessings and continued prayers,
I didn't see anything about keeping herself occupied with homework at all! :)
bc she is not working on any :(
She did ask Randy to bring it down today though :-)
praying for rising counts and continued sanity!!!
We are praying for you!! I know what you are going through. Keep that pretty smile going!
Lots of Love the Principato's
"Moms In Touch" prayed for you today! "Where two or more are gathered, God is in their midst." Sorry we cannot visit but we are visiting in prayer. Keep believing!
Liz needs to start making homemade Christmas gifts! All our prayers!
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