Liz playing Monopoly with her cousins, Melissa and Tyler.
Quick update on Liz ~
First off, we had a wonderful day celebrating her life and our lives together on Sunday. We had a great dinner and played one of her favorite games, Monopoly!
Secondly, Liz came down with a fever of 101.8 last night and has bought herself a stay at Children's Hospital on A5 South. When a cancer patient is neutropenic, ANC of >500, and running a fever, they are hospitalized. In the ED they stabilized her by administering two different antibiotics, fluids, and anti-nausea meds; they also did a CBC, flu swabs, and blood cultures. These tests will take 48 hours before the results are back.
Just came in from rounds. She must be fever free for 48 hours, cultures must come back negative and that also takes 48. With that being said, we will be in here until at least Thursday.
We are praying that the fever is simply due to the chemo she received on Fri. Her body is worn down and tired and seems to not handle all the intrusions as well as in the beginning.
Continue to pray for the following:
All patients and families on A5 South
Liz's fever to break
That her cultures come back negative
That Liz is not so fearful of the unknown
For my family to remain healthy
Thank you in advance for your prayers.
God prompted me to come back here to copy the promises I posted to the previous glad I did! Praying, praying, praying for rest, recooperation and good health for the entire family. Hang in there!!! :-)
Praying really hard...
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