Sunday, May 16, 2010

Doing good ")

We are into Lizzy's fifth week of her freshman year. She is loving it and she only has about 20 more days till the end of the year. Boy, don't you wish all of your school years would have gone that quick!!!

I believe Lizzy has finally hit her stride in Maintenance. She is holding her own with the daily chemo, every 29 days Vincristine, and 90 days of IT Methotrexate. She is still at 50% dosing for her daily chemo but it may be increase to 75% next month. It will all depend on her CBC (complete blood count).

Last Thursday we were invited, along with Joel Brown and his family, to speak at the Hoxworth High School Luncheon Award Banquet. Both Liz and Joel spoke about their diagnosis and how incredibly important the donation of blood products are. The area high schools raised 13% of the total yearly donations needed for the greater Cincinnati area. They raise over 11,000 units! Like I told the students at the luncheon "blood donations were the first defense in saving Elizabeth's life. She received nonstop unites of whole blood and platelets from the minute she was diagnose and it continued pretty much for the 33 days she was in the hospital." "Liz received blood and platelets for 4.5 days before she was even treated for the cancer." "She would have never made it to see her first treatment without the blood donations." It was an honor for Liz, Joel, and our families to be a part of this wonderful event.

Please pray for Elizabeth's continued success with her "maintenance phase"
minimal side effects from all the chemo and narcotics that Elizabeth takes and has taken
Please pray for all the children on A5 South and their families

Blessings ~ Christine

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